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THIS DEED of adoption made on this _______________ 

day of ______________

between Sh.____________________________________________________________________ ,

s/o ___________________________________________________________________,

r/o ________________ ___________________________________________________

(hereinafter called "the adoptive father") of one part    




r/o ________________________________________________________________________, 

(hereinafter called "the Guardian") of the other part. 


1.The Adoptive Father has no son or son’s son or son’s son’s son living at this time.and the 

Adoptive Father was desirous of adopting a son and with that view had selected      

 __________________________________ (Name of child to be adoptive). 

Aged ________,

son of the late. _________________________ ,

residing at. _________________ ,  

For adoption. 

2.The Natural Father of the said minor E.G. had by his will dated ___________.

Appointed the_______________________________(Name of the Guardian). 

to be the guardian of the minor. 

3. The Natural Father and the Natural Mother of the said minor child are dead and the said Guardian is now the testamentary guardian of the minor child. 
4. The Adoptive Father has approached the said Guardian who has consented to give his ward ____________________________(Name of Child)   in adoption to the Adoptive Father;

5. Smt ________ _________________, wife of the Adoptive Father, had given her consent to the Adoptive Father for taking the said child in adoption. 
6. The said Guardian had applied to the District Judge ___________________________

 for permission to give the said Child. in adoption to the Adoptive Father and the District Judge has by his Order dated._____________ granted the permission.

7. The ceremony of giving and taking in adoption has been duly performed along with other religious ceremonies customary with the parties on the day of____________. 
8. The parties considered it expedient and necessary that a proper deed of adoption be executed as an authentic record of adoption.


1. Declaration of Adoption The parties hereto do hereby declare that the adoptive father has duly adopted the said child as his son from the day of ___________________ 

i.e. the day on which ceremony of giving and taking in adoption has been duly performed along with other religious ceremonies customary with the parties.

2. Legal rights and liabilities of adopted son The said son has been transferred to the family of adoptive father and shall have, from the date of adoption, all the legal rights and liabilities of an adopted son. 

3. Maintenance, etc. of adopted son The adoptive father shall be liable for the maintenance, education and other expenses of the adopted son and shall bear all such expenses in accordance with his status.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have signed this deed this ______________day of _________. 

WITNESS: 1. _____________________ 


Ultimate Legal Bundle in English + Hindi + Gujarati + Marathi

Ultimate Legal Bundle in English + Hindi + Gujarati + Marathi

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