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Petition for Letters of Administration
(with will annexed)
(Under s. 278 of the Indian Succession Act 1925).
In the Court of the District Delegate/Munsiff (Sadar) at________ Act 39.
Case No. ____________20.......
Applicants :
A.B. son of E.F. of____________________....... P.S. ____________________.. Dist. ......
In the matter of grant of Letters of Administration with the will annexed, of the estate of G.H. – deceased, under s. 276 of the Indian Succession Act. The above-named applicants beg to state as follows :
1. That G.H. died at her residence at_______________Town on the ...... day of _______________. 20..... and that the writing annexed is her last will and testament, which was duly executed by her.
2. That by the said will, G.H. made a scheme for worship of an idol “Sree Sree Radha Govinda Vigraha” and bequeathed properties in Schedule A below to the deity and by the said will constituted the applicants as joint shebaits of the said deity. The applicants since after death of the said G.H. have been discharging their duties as shebaits.
3. That by the said will the said G.H. bequeathed her dues, from the State of West Bengal, as compensation for vesting of her intermediary rights in equal shares to her three daughters, P.W. and R.
4. That the amount of assets, which are likely to come to the applicants’ hands is Rs. 14,157 as shown in Schedule B below.
5. That the deceased left no debts.
6. That the applicants are sons of the deceased. That no executor having been appointed by the said will, the applicants apply for letters of administration with the will annexed.
7. That the testatrix left behind her the following near relations, besides the applicants: (1) M (2) N Sons. (3) O (State here description and address). (4) P (5) Q Daughters and Legatees. (6) R (State individual description and respective address).
8. That the deceased, at the time of her death, had her fixed residence at...... within the jurisdiction of this court.
9. That to the best of the applicants’ belief, no application has been made to any other court for letters of administration of the said estate.
10. (Where necessary) That the Estate Duty on the estate of the late G.H. has been duly paid. The applicants, therefore, pray that the court may be pleased to grant to them letters of administration with the will annexed to the estate of the said deceased.
I, A.B., applicant No. 1, declare that the above statements contained in paras 1 to 9 are true to my knowledge and I sign this verification this the day of May, 1981, at____________ Dated_______________
I, Sri__________________one of the witnesses to the last will and testament of the testatrix mentioned in the above application, declare that I was present and saw the said testatrix affixed her signature thereto.

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