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In the Court of District Judge of_________________________

Insolvency Case No. __________________ of_______________

Expart the debtor 

Per matter of debtor's petition for insolvency, per s. 13(1) of the Provincial Insolvency Act 

The humble petition of A resident at__________________________________________________________________ and lately of___________(give address where debts were incurred) 

Respectfully showeth: 

1. That the applicant, who is living and residing ordinarily (or doing business, or personally working for gain, or in custody) at ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________being unable to pay his debts exceeding Rs. 500 praying for order of decision against him in the circumstances stated hereunder. 

2. That on or about____________ day of __________ the applicant was arrested and sent to prison at________________________ in executing a decree for Rs_________________________ dated ____________________.. made in suit No. _______________ of__________________________) per order dated ________________________________ passed by_____________________________________or fas the case may be) the movable/immovable property of applicant as (give short details) stands attached, which attachment is still subsisting, 

3. The amount/details of all financial claims against applicant, along with names/residences of his creditors, are given below: 

4. The following being details of debts/claims outstanding against the applicant. 

Names, occupation and address of creditors, details of amounts due with securities. 

5. The following being the details of property belonging to applicant and their related values. 

(1) Household furniture, utensils, etc., all worth about______________________________________ 
(2) One house at______________________________________ worth about____________________. 

The whole of above property, which is located at, etc., has been truly stated for which applicant is willing to surrender and put them completely at the disposal of this court, 

The applicant prays that the court may be pleased to decide him insolvent. 


I, _________________________ son of__________________________________________________ aged about _______________ years by occupation service residing at _______________________________________________________________________________________________. do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under: 

I am petitioner No. 1 named above and I know and I have acquainted myself with the facts and circumstances of this case. 

The statements in paragraphs 1 to 5 are true to my best knowledge and belief. 

verified and signed on this _______________ day of____________________. at the Court House at____________________________ 

Before me 


Signature of A 

Signature of Advocate 
Ultimate Legal Bundle in English + Hindi + Gujarati + Marathi

Ultimate Legal Bundle in English + Hindi + Gujarati + Marathi

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