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KNOW ALL MEN BY these presents that
I, PM.,_________________ (Guardian),
son of ______________________,
am held and firmly bound to Shri __________________________, the Judge of the District of _______________________________, in the sum of Rupees _________ (Rs________________________) only to be paid to the said District Judge or to his suDMessor-in-office or assigns and we CM. and DM. are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the said District Judge in the sum of Rupees _________ (Rs _________) only to be paid to the said District Judge or to his suDMessor-in-office or assigns for the payment of which said sum of Rupees _________ to be faithfully and truly made, I, the above-bounden PM., bind myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and representatives, and for the payment of the said sum of Rupees _________ we, the above-bounden CM. and DM, bind ourselves and each of us jointly and severally and each of our heirs, executors, administrators and representatives firmly by these presents.
Signed by ourselves and sealed with our respective seals this _________ day of_________, 20_________
by an order of the Court of the District Judge of._________ made on the _________ day of _________, 20_________, under Section 7 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, the above-named PM. has, subject to his entering into a Bond in the said sum of Rs _____________with two Sureties in the said sum of Rs _________, been appointed guardian of the property, movable and immovable, of _________, minor son of _________;
the said PM. has agreed to enter into the above-written Bond, and the said Sureties have agreed to enter into the above-written bond as Sureties for the said PM
of the above-written Bond is that if the said guardian do and shall justify and truly aDMount, whenever called upon to do so, for what he may receive in respect of the property of the said minor and do and shall carefully observe, perform and keep all orders and directions of the said Court of the District Judge of____________________ touching or concerning the estates and effects of the said minor and his property, and touching and concerning all such moneys and estates as the said guardian shall receive as such guardian as aforesaid, and in all things, conduct himself properly, then the above-written Bond or obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise the same shall remain in full force.
by the above-named PM., CM. and DM., in the presence of _________ this the _________ day of _________, 20_________
Sd. PM.
1. Guardian.
Sd. CM.
First Surety.
2. Sd. DM.
Second Surety.

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