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[Under the bye-law no.17(b)] 

The form of application for membership of the Society by a nominee/ Heir, who is a minor, through his Guardian/Legal Representative. 


The Secretary, ___________________________________________________ Co-op. Housing Society Ltd., ___________________________________________________ 


Shri/Shrimati/Messrs _____________________________________________________________________________________________ who was the member of the ___________________________________________________________________ Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., having address at ________________________________________________ holding 10 shares of Rs. Fifty each and the Flat no. ________________________ died on______________ His/Her death certificate is enclosed. He/She had nominated Shri/Shrimati. ________________________________________________who is a minor/He had not made nomination. His/Her heir Shri/Shrimati___________________________________________________________ is a minor. I, Shri/Shrimati________________________________________. being his/her natural guardian/ guardian appointed by the deceased member/ legal representative hereby make an application on behalf of the said minor for membership of the __________________________________ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., having address at_____________________________________________ and for transfer of shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/ property of the Society to me on behalf of the minor nominee/ heir as provided under Rule 20 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules,1961. The share certificate held by the deceased member is enclosed. An entrance fee of Rs.100 is sent herewith. The particulars of the plot/Flat/house in the area of operation of the Society owned by the minor nominee heir or any of the members of the minor's family or the person dependent on the minor are given below: Sr.No Name of the Particulars regarding Place where minor nominee Plot/Flat/house owned by Plot/Flat/house or heir of his/her the minor nominee/ situated family member heir or any of the memor the person bers or the of the minor's dependent family or the person on the minor. dependent on the minor 1 2 3 4 70 My particulars for the purpose of consideration of this application are as under: 

Age : _______________________________________________________ 

Occupation : _______________________________________________________ Office Address : _______________________________________________________ 

Monthly Income : Rs__________________________________________________ 

I undertake to discharge all the present and future liabilities to the Society on behalf of the minor I hearby declare that there is not plot/flat/ house in the area of operation of the society, of the ownership of said minor person or his family member dependent on him. As I have no independent source of income, I enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form, from the person on whom I am dependent in the prescribed from, to the effect that he will discharge all the present and future liabilities to Society on my behalf. I enclose the undertaking in the prescribed form (Appendix -3) to use the Flat on behalf of the minor for the purpose for which it was held acquired by the deceased member and that any change of user will be made with the prior approval of the Society. I enclose herewith an undertaking in prescribed form regarding sale of plot/flat/house of the minor person or his family member of the person dependent on on the minor person. I also enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form on behalf of the minor about registration of the transfer of the Flat to the minor's name through me under section 269 AB of the Income-tax Act. (Appendix -26). I have gone through the registered bye-laws of the Society and undertake to abide by the same with any modification the registering Authority may make in them. I undertake to discharge all outstanding liabilities against the deceased member and also pay the charges of the Society in future on behalf of the minor. I also hereby undertake to convey the property on the “attainment of age of majority” by the minor on whose behalf I am holding membrship. I also declare that I shall be ceased to hold the membership on behalf of the said minor, as soon as he attains age of majority. I declare that I will take all actions as a member of the Society on behalf of the minor in his/her interest only. On behalf of the minor, I request you to admit me as a member of the Society. Yours faithfully, Place: Date: (Nominee-Heir who is a minor) (Through his guardian/legal representative) Note : The undertaking about registration of the transfer of the Flat is not necessary where the minor is related to the deceased member within the meaning of section 2(41) of the income-tax Act *Strike out whichever is not applicable.
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