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What is the procedure for changing your name legally in India?

· 3 min read
Arshita Anand
Vaquill Founder

Changing your name legally in India involves a few steps to ensure that your new name is officially recognized. These include:

Write a Statement: Write a statement on plain paper saying you want to change your name. Include your current name, the new name you want, and why you are changing it. Add your personal details like your address and age.

Get It Signed by an Official: Take this statement to a local lawyer or an official called a notary. They will sign and stamp it to make it official.

Step 2: Announce in Newspapers

Pick Two Newspapers: Choose two newspapers – one in your local language and one in English.

Publish the Announcement: Contact these newspapers and tell them you want to publish an announcement about your name change. The announcement should include your old name, new name, your father's or husband's name, and your address.

Keep the Newspaper Copies: Save the copies of these newspapers after your announcement is published.


Step 3: Official Government Record (Gazette)

Prepare Your Documents: Gather these documents:

  • Your signed statement from Step 1.
  • The newspaper announcements from Step 2.
  • A letter asking the government to officially record your name change.
  • A copy of your ID (like Aadhar card, PAN card, etc.).
  • Two passport-sized photos of yourself.

Send to Government Office: Mail all these documents to your state's official government printing office (often called the Gazette office).

Pay the Fee: You might need to pay a small fee. The amount varies depending on your state.

Get the Official Record: Once processed, your name change will be published in an official government document called the Gazette. Keep a copy of this document.

Step 4: Update Your Information

ID Cards: Go to the offices that issued your Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, driving license, and voter ID to update your name.

Bank Accounts: Visit your bank to update your name on your accounts.

School Certificates: If needed, contact your school or college to update your name on your certificates.

Other Documents: Update your name on utility bills, insurance policies, property papers, and other important documents.



FAQ 1: How can I start the process of legally changing my name in India?

Answer: Begin by writing a legal statement (affidavit) that includes your current name, new name, and reason for the change. Get it signed by a notary or lawyer to make it official. Next, announce your name change in two newspapers (one in your local language and one in English).

FAQ 2: What documents are needed to get my name change officially recorded in the government Gazette?

Answer: You need the signed affidavit, newspaper announcements, a request letter to the government, a copy of your ID (like Aadhar card or PAN card), and two passport-sized photos. Submit these to your state's Gazette office, pay the fee, and your name change will be published in the official Gazette.


Arshita Anand's profile

Written by Arshita Anand

Arshita is a final year student at Chanakya National Law University, currently pursuing B.B.A. LL.B (Corporate Law Hons.). She is enthusiastic about Corporate Law, Taxation and Data Privacy, and has an entrepreneurial mindset

