
The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is a set of regulations given by the Election Commission of India(ECI) for the conduct of political parties and candidates during elections. It is a set of rules that deal with matters including speeches, meetings, processions, election manifestos, polling and general conduct. The provisions of the MCC should be followed by the political parties during the election period. They include:

General Conduct

  • Avoiding activities that can provoke or create hatred between castes, communities, religions or linguistic groups.
  • Criticising only the policies, programs, policies and work and avoiding criticism of private life.
  • Not using caste or communal feelings and places of worship to gain votes from the people.
  • Avoiding corrupt practices and election law offences like bribing/intimidating voters, canvassing near polling stations, etc.
  • Respecting the right of every person to a peaceful home life, and not organising demonstrations before the persons' houses.

Meetings and Processions

  • Informing local police authorities well in advance about meetings or parades, times and routes to maintain law and order.
  • Following any restrictive orders in force and obtaining necessary permissions.

Polling Day and Booth

  • Cooperating with authorities at polling camps for peaceful elections, and not serving eatables or liquor outside camps.
  • Only voters and authorized persons allowed inside polling booths.


Election Manifestos

  • The Supreme Court has directed the EC to frame guidelines on ‘election manifesto' contents in consultation with recognized parties. An ‘election manifesto' is a document that is issued by a political party before the elections. The promises, intentions and programs of the political party are present in this document.
  • When the election schedule is announced, the MCC comes into effect from that date. It remains in action till the election process is completed. The ECI ensures that MCC is followed. It takes proper measures in case of violations.

How is the MCC for political parties relevant to the public at large?

The MCC has several aims to reach. The MCC-

  • Ensures fair and peaceful elections
  • Prohibits illegal and unethical practices
  • Protects the right to a peaceful life
  • Maintains law and order
  • Promotes transparency in campaigning
  • Empowers the ECI
illustration image showing festival of election and campaigning by political parties

What can the citizens do if the political parties go against the MCC?

Citizens can play an important role in upholding the integrity of elections by reporting violations promptly and participating in the electoral process. Citizens can report violations if the political parties go against the MCC** **by following these steps:

  • Use the cVIGIL app or the cVIGIL Online Portal launched by the ECI. It allows you to quickly report incidents by uploading photos or videos along with location details. You'll receive a unique ID to track your complaint's progress. You can download the app from here- cVIGIL app
  • Provide clear evidence like photos, videos, or witness accounts to support your complaint. The ECI investigates based on the evidence provided.


  • Approach the District Election Officer or file a complaint with the ECI's National Grievance Services Portal for further action after reporting through cVIGIL. You can contact the District Election Officer by connecting to the District Election Office present in every district.
  • Raise awareness about the importance of the MCC and demand strict enforcement by the ECI through public campaigns and social media.
  • Exercise your right to vote responsibly by evaluating the conduct of parties and candidates during the campaign.

Since the MCC is not a law, there is no specific penalty for its violation. But, section 123 of the Representation of the People Act(RPA), of 1951 lists some acts as ‘corrupt practices' that can penalise the political parties for any violation.

The MCC aims to maintain law and order and prevent misuse of state resources during elections. This enables citizens to exercise their democratic rights and go about their daily lives without any difficulty.


1. Who implements the Code of Conduct?

The ECI (Election Commission of India) implements the Model Code of Conduct.

2. Which body regulates the campaigns of political parties?

The ECI regulates the campaigns of political parties to ensure that everything is going according to the rules.

3. Can the public report MCC violations?

Yes, the EC's cVIGIL app allows citizens to quickly report MCC violations by uploading evidence.

4. Are there any exceptions to the MCC?

There do not appear to be any explicit exceptions to the MCC. It applies equally to all political parties, candidates, and the ruling party in power during elections.



  1. cVIGIL app
  2. cVIGIL Online Portal
  3. National Grievance Services Portal
  4. Section 123 of the Representation of People Act
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Written by Anushka Patel

Anushka Patel is a second-year law student at Chanakya National Law University. She is a dedicated student who is passionate about raising public awareness on legal matters



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